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So What Is A Postpartum Doula And How Can She Help You?

The days and weeks following the birth of a baby, can be a very overwhelming adjustment period for a Mum who has just given birth. Not only has she now just become responsible for the care, needs and welfare of a new human, but she needs time to get to know herself as a newborn mother. This can sometimes be just as overwhelming as the birth itself.

A Postpartum Doula meets the mum where she is and follows her lead. The Doula's priority is to ensure that the new Mum is experiencing contentment and joy in her day, and that she is given time to concentrate on recuperating after the birth, feeding and falling in love with herself and her new baby.

When Mum is experiencing contentment and joy, she will be relaxed and producing oxytocin, which we commonly know as the love hormone. This hormone induces a strengthened bond with her baby, it makes her feel happy and relaxed and it also plays a huge part in breast milk production. With an increased production of milk, her baby will be content, full and relaxed.

As a Postpartum Doula I create the space for you and offer a friendly pair of ears over a cuppa, to catch up on how the family are coping with the new baby, help mum to process her own birth story and maybe make sense of one of the biggest events she has ever experienced. Together we can address any other concerns Mum may have and ensure her emotional and mental needs are being met and cared for.

We all know that feeling of starting a new job, we feel uncertain that we're doing it properly or in the right way, it's no different for a new mum! She's new to this job but somehow she may feel inadequate that she didn't fall out of her own mother's womb knowing how to be a parent! We all like a little reassurance from time to time, but more so when we feel vulnerable and frightened.

Practically, support is given by catching up on all the little jobs that just mount up. Would you believe how much laundry one little person can make! So hanging a load of washing on the line or folding the last lot and putting them away is a godsend! A clean and tidy house helps mum to feel like she's got all her shizz together and can take the time to enjoy her joy!

Prepping meals and snacks is one less thing new Mums could do without, unless of course, this brings contentment and joy to her day!! In which case I can hold the baby!

Maybe there are older children in the house, I'm sure 30 mins of peace and quiet whilst the kids are entertained might be just what Mum needs!

If baby is sleeping, maybe we could light a candle, put on some soft music and have a light pampering massage.

And sometimes, a good night's sleep is all you need... I do offer an overnight service which would allow you to catch up on some shut eye if it all gets too much.

So there you have it, a Postpartum Doula will be your friend, your confidante, your extra pair of hands and your support for you when you need it the most.

You can drop in and visit my website for more details (link in my bio) or send me a DM anytime :-)

A x

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